Organic Manure

Organic Manure


Organic fertilizers have proved to be the safest and long lasting soil improvisers. They do not exert harmful and polluting effects on the soil and plants. these fertilizers consist of natural and bio-degradable components and elements which can easily be worked upon by little microorganisms and thus reach the crops and plants in a safe manner.

Organic manure is a similar compound highly rich in nitrogen,which prominently consists of animal waste and rotten grass. The natural components are harmless and take long time to be decomposed. However as the time has progressed, manure is also manufactured in the plants under the enhanced effects of temperature and other required conditions for the decomposition to occur.

Benefits of Organic Manure

Organic manure is easy to find and can be made available in all conditions. Easy to store, manure does not require any special treatment as it is not reactive or inflammable. Green manure can be easily cultivated through the cover crops and the farmers can enjoy the double or multi-benefits of it. Animal manure can also be prepared into slurry and is easy to use as well. Manure can also be used as fuel and has been used as same since ages. Dried cow dung is also used as fuel sources. Manure is totally safe to use and does not incur any harmful effects on the soil. Moreover, the nutrients of the soil are not only replenished with the help of manures but are also retained for a longer duration. Prevention of soil erosion and other catastrophes are also fueled by the usage of manures. Manure is also used to make paper and thus the cutting of trees can be prevented to a great extent.

Today when the world has been piled up with numerous new experiments and inventions, agriculture has not been untouched. New fertilizers with advanced features have flooded the national and international market and have challenged the traditional and old methods.

But the traditional methods are poised to stay for a longer run and thus Organic manure retains its position strongly and effectively as it is not at all harmful for the soil and is best to use in today's polluted world front. With its long lasting effects, the organic manure will stay steady and stronger for longer.