PANEX Top Products - For Domestic & Institutional Users:
PANEX Organic Manure - PANEX G-4 Soil Enriched and plant growth promoter.Completely eco friendly & safe to use for organic agriculture.
PANEX Organic Manure(Granular Form) - PANEX G-4 Soil Enriched and plant growth promoter.Completely eco friendly & safe to use for organic agriculture.
PANEX Organic Manure - PANEX G-4 Soil Enriched and plant growth promoter.Completely eco friendly & safe to use in organic agriculture.
PANEX Organic Plant Growth Promoter(Powder) - PANEX G-16. Water soluble plant growth promoter.
PANEX Organic Plant Growth Promoter(Liquid) - PANEX - R1. Plant growth promoter & Cellular Elixir.
PANEX Organic Plant Anti Fungal Solution - PANEX - DP-10. Anti Fungal Solution.
PANEX Inventor - Non-Acidic,Non-corrosive,Herbal multipurpose cleaner cum stain remover specially recomended for Mosaic & Marble Floor. It comes in 200 ml,500 ml and 5 Ltr. packs.
PANEX Multipurpose use Liquid Soap - Friend - It is recomended for domestic,institutes & industrial sectors.It comes in 500 ml,1 Ltr. and 5 Ltr. packs.
PANEX Pine Oil
PANEX Concentrated Floor Cleaner