PANEX G-4 : It is soil enricher cum plant growth promoter. This is cheaper than conventional bulky organic manure. It produces amazing results within short time. This is easy to use,store & transport. Its usage is 12 to 15 Kg. per acre. It can be used per 2 month. Panex -G4 will be used at the time of land preparation & twice once of each crop. Use more in light wet textured soil.
PANEX R-1 : Fulvic Acid based organic plant growth promoter liquid. Its usage is 150 ml. per acre after mixing with water. It aids in cell elongation & cell multiplication. It is best transporter of nutrients from the soil to plant & best cellular elixir.
PANEX DP-10 : Organic anti gungal cum plant growth promoter liquid.Its usage is 150 ml. per acre after mixing with water. It improves overall structure of the plant & improves resistance to fungal diseases & other insect attacks.
PANEX G-16 : Water soluble organic plant growth promoter. Its usage is 60 gm. per acre after mixing with water. It improves calcium uptake from soil to plant. It reduces fruit flower drop considerably & increases size of growth of the tree.